Circling Finger Excalibur

But how could he get away when he was so tightly entangled by the fish? Gradually feel paralysis of hands and feet, slow movement, the eyes can not help but suffocate.


But how could he get away when he was so tightly entangled by the fish? Gradually feel paralysis of hands and feet, slow movement, the eyes can not help but suffocate. Ayu's chest was so stuffy that she couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood at the bottom of the water with a "grunt", and the pool water went into her stomach. Struggling to use the "magic sword around the finger", his body rose sharply to the surface of the water. The "Jiao in the waves" had already expected that he would make such a move. At this time, his body suddenly turned to one side, and the imperial tail came after him. The oncoming force was extremely urgent. Yu suddenly felt that Yu Fei's hand had reached his heel. He had lost the strength to use his sword. He cried out in his heart, "My life is over!" As soon as I closed my eyes and kicked my feet, I suddenly felt that my feet were loose. I had no time to think. I hurried up to the surface of the water. At a glance in my busy schedule, I saw that the "Jiao in the waves" seemed to have been tripped by something, but I didn't catch up with him. Ayu had run out of oil, and she didn't even have the strength to go back and see what was going on. She barely surfaced, took a breath, and climbed ashore. As soon as he reached the shore, he felt his limbs aching and his brain dizzy. He could no longer support himself. He fell on the beach and fainted as if he were dead. There is still a ray of wisdom in my heart, that is, I am worried that the "Jiao in the waves" fish will catch up with me at this time. If he comes, at this time Ayu has no backhand power, it must be "obediently" to be assassinated by him. Yu nervously noticed that in the water, the "magic sword" was leaning on her side, and when she was ready to be forced by the fish, she had to fight with him. One side hurriedly luck line work recovery, pause, know is safe, physical strength has almost recovered, the fish do not know how? I didn't catch up with the shore to kill him! Yu was surprised, and when she estimated that she could fight again, she stood up and shouted, "Yu Fei, let's fight to the death again!" Called a few times, did not agree, suddenly remembered, yes, that fish is not just water time, how dare to go ashore to fight, he had agreed to fight with him in the water. That being the case,pumpkin seed extract, you can't break your promise, but you still have to go into the water to fight. Pluck up the courage, carefully dive into the water, lest the fish suddenly assault, but in the water, at a glance, the fish unexpectedly disappeared. Finding where the five strange ropes were, Ayu glanced at them and couldn't help being surprised to see that the fish was not entangled in the water by the two strange ropes, struggling constantly. As soon as Ayu boldly went over to have a look, she couldn't help laughing. She saw that Yufei, the "dragon in the waves", was entangled by two strange ropes. A steel thorn of the Emei thorn had fallen to the bottom of the pool. At this time, her hands and feet were tightly entangled, and she was struggling. But the two strange ropes were so strange that they seemed to be getting tighter and tighter, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get rid of them. But this Yufei's mind was really fierce. Even so, he was still sober. When he saw Ayu coming, he stared at him ferociously. Ayu was annoyed that he was rude and "pointed around the sword" and made a gesture to chop him in the face. Although Yufei was overbearing, turmeric extract powder ,rosmarinic acid supplement, he was still afraid of death. He immediately closed his eyes and dared not move a little. With victory in hand, Ayu pressed his head, opened his mouth, and poured a lot of water into him. Seeing that the fish's eyes were not white, he had no power to turn his back. When he was about to untie the rope on his body, he could not untie it any more. He had no choice but to go ashore first, pull up the five fishing rod-like things, and pull them for a while. Sure enough, two of them were wrapped around the "Jiao in the Waves." When they sank and floated, they dragged him ashore. The fish is not already out of strength faint, dying, Ayu try to solve this strange rope can not open, no way to use "around the finger sword" to try, the hand really saw the magic effect, one after another. Only then did he carry the fish "Jiao in the waves" on his shoulders and return directly to the hillside grass valley. Thought on the way, this mistake is not the five strange rope, afraid not early lost his life. This strange rope is obviously controlled by someone, but I do not know in the dark to help themselves, who is the master? ※ ※ ※ ※ It was already dusk. Carrying Yufei on her shoulder, Ayu returns to the hillside Grass Valley. In the distance, you can see the four "human cooks" under the "Dayu Gate", "Lightning Hand" Yu Guang, "Dragon Fragrance Girl" Qiu Yuting, "Qiao Raksha" Qiu Xiaoting.. Also has with "the East China Sea Dragon King Palace" "the black dragon" Qin Jian "the white dragon" Shi Qingbiao.. A group of people all stood anxiously at Taniguchi. Ayu walked a few steps quickly, but Qin and Shi could not see clearly from a distance. One of them came back, carrying one on his shoulder. It was expected that nine times out of ten, Ayu would be defeated, either dead or wounded, and would be carried back by "Langlijiao". Qin and Shi were immediately disappointed and worried, and their hearts were pounding. The two of them guessed that the four of "Dayu Gate" were also general ideas. The Chiu sisters only hoped that Ayu would not die or hurt the "human cook." Wei Jin caught a glimpse of someone coming at this time. Although he could not see clearly in the twilight, he could already conclude that the winner must be "Lang Li Jiao." The fish is not undoubtedly, in the heart happy, murmured: "Old four is really a..". The real one ..” The second "good" has not yet exported the "lightning hand" on the light sharp-eyed, one side said coldly: "It is that Ayu, he is carrying the fourth brother of the fish." As soon as this remark was made, the "human cook" almost blurted out: "Nonsense!" However, in the twilight, the outline of the man had gradually become clear, and Wei Jin could see it clearly, and he could not help feeling a sigh in his heart and could not make a sound. When Ayu appeared, Qin Jian and Shi Qingbiao were overjoyed. Shi Qingbiao shouted loudly and rushed over. Qin Jian put down a big stone in his heart and said to himself, "Thank you, God. Younger Martial Brother Yu is really a great blessing. He can win glory for me in the Dragon King's Palace in the East China Sea." Shi Qingbiao took over the four people of Yufei's "Dayu Gate" and hurried over to visit them. He saw that Yufei was unconscious at this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and the water in his abdomen was not poured out. He was so high that it seemed that he had been defeated in the water. Wei Jin was ashamed and annoyed, and hurriedly ordered his men to carry him to take care of him. At this time all people's eyes are focused on Ayu, everyone is guessing, I do not know what method this Ayu used? Yu Fei, who claimed to be the best in the world in water, was subdued in the water. Ayu did not want to plunder the beauty of people, quietly sat down to rest, ready to "Dayu Gate" under the inquiry, will tell the truth, but "Dayu Gate" under the four people may think that the loss of face has been extremely, did not speak to each other. After resting for a while, Yu Guang, the "lightning hand", said,fenugreek saponins, "Master Yu is really skillful. We admire him very much. In the five games, he has passed two passes in a row. If it weren't for the fact that Brother Yu is not too tired, I would like to ask Yu Guang for advice.".
