Study in Spain

RMC Elite consistently helps students with assistance for admission, scholarship availability, placements, and many more. We help students to join undergraduate and post-graduate programs around the globe.


Higher Education system The Spanish Higher Education system is made up of 87 universities (50 public and 37 private), in addition to 480 research institutes and 67 science and technology parks. As a member state of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), all official degrees awarded by Spanish universities are recognized for academic and professional purposes in 53 countries worldwide, 45 of which are European.

They are also top-quality universities in Spain that are well-positioned in international rankings by subject area, and widely internationalized, given that Spain is the favorite destination for ERASMUS+ students.

Cost of living and tuition fees in Spain
Good news for students: Tuition fees in Spain are among the lowest in Europe. The tuition fees for Bachelor's programs range from 750 EUR to 2,500 EUR per year, and tuition fees for Master's programs are around 1,000 to 3,500 EUR per year - making Spain a cheap destination for international students. Private universities set their own fees, which can be as high as 20,000 EUR per year.

The cost of living in Spain varies by location, but in general, it is easy to live well in Spain on a student budget. Food is cheap and high quality and there are many inexpensive fashionable clothing shops. However, it can be expensive to find accommodation in large cities like Madrid and Barcelona. If you are on a very tight budget you could consider cheaper cities such as Valencia or Seville. And remember, public transport in Spain is efficient and cheap, so you will be able to experience everything the country has to offer no matter where you choose to base your studies.

Student life in Spain
While you can choose from a large number of programs to study in Spain in English, you may want to brush up your language skills before and while you are there. That will make it much easier to interact with locals, and also equip you with the fourth-most spoken language in the world! For certain regions, such as Catalonia (and it's capital Barcelona), it doesn’t hurt to learn at least a few phrases in the regional lingo (Catalonian in this case).

