Product Features Of Deep Well Plate

On the basis of the apparent size of ordinary microplates (mainly 96 and 384 well plates), while keeping the length and width in line with SBS international standards


The concept of Deep Well Plate:

On the basis of the apparent size of ordinary microplates (mainly 96 and 384 well plates), while keeping the length and width in line with SBS international standards, the depth of the wells is increased to achieve the purpose of increasing the volume of each well. And in order to adapt to its specific scope of use, on the one hand, by changing the manufacturing materials (currently polypropylene (PP), individual polystyrene (PS)), on the other hand, by improving the surface treatment process, and then making a type of experiment Room plate.

Product features of deep hole plates:

Using high-purity polypropylene material, with excellent chemical compatibility, suitable for the storage of most polar organic solutions, acidic and alkaline solutions, and other laboratory liquids

The flatness is high, the sidewall and the bottom of the board have a uniform thickness, and the pore size is the same. It can be sealed with self-adhesive, silica gel, and heat-sealing film.

Can be sterilized by high temperature and high pressure, 121℃, 20psi, no deformation in 20 minutes

48-well plates are available in two capacity specifications: 3.5ml and 4.6ml

The 96-well plate has 7 capacity specifications: 0.5ml, 0.8 ml, 1.0ml, 1.2ml, 1.6ml, 2.0ml and 2.2ml

The dimensions of the 48-well plate and 96-well plate conform to ANSI/SBS standards and can be used on automated machines.

