Good strategy of the great perfect diary brand

Abstract: As the light of Chinese products, Perfect Diary is a hot selling item for all kinds of cosmetics. Once it is launched, the popularity has never stopped, and a group of beauty bloggers and stars bring goods for it. Perfect Diary Amazing


The growth rate makes people sigh that this emerging beauty brand, which used to be a little low-key in the public's view, has now become the brand with the largest sales in the beauty industry. Exactly perfect

How does the daily diary work? Let's analyze the marketing strategy of the perfect diary brand.

Perfect Diary brand was officially launched in 2016, and Taobao Store was opened in Tmall in 2017. I thought that the perfect diary brand would be submerged in many seas like many other small domestic products

External beauty products. But I didn't expect that Perfect Diary, relying on its own marketing strategy of new media, would be among the top 10 cosmetics brands in terms of sales volume.

The founder's expectation for perfect diary brand is to build a "new L'Oreal and Estee Lauder Group of the Internet" and a Chinese Beauty Icon with international influence. perfect

The rapid popularity of perfect diary brand cannot be separated from the creation of content marketing models. The marketing of perfect perfect diary brand almost includes all popular marketing channels.

The perfect calendar mainly uses the major new media platforms to do the whole network content marketing, carry out the promotion of ordinary people, KOL and stars.

1. Entering Little Red Book

The Perfect Diary brand has chosen Little Red Book as the main battlefield for product promotion. Since the Perfect Diary was settled in Little Red Book, there have been nearly 500 official notes produced by itself, which have been fanatically absorbed

Nearly 2 million yuan. The home page decoration with high face value has also become one of the reasons why users love it. Among them, most of the notes come from the experience of ordinary users

The application of life scenes greatly increases users' trust in the brand and resonates.

2. Star effect, expanding popularity

The success of perfect diary brand marketing strategy lies in that it has invited Lin Yun, Ouyang Nana, Zhang Shaohan, etc. after laying the groundwork for all the basic data and obtaining certain trust from users

The star real name system recommended its products to users, resulting in an explosion. This way is undoubtedly to make the Perfect Diary famous. Many consumers have turned to powder to choose this domestic beauty makeup


3. Short video platform

The perfect diary brand with unique vision decisively chose Tiktok and BIlibili as the main short video platform for its promotional products.

In terms of marketing, Perfect Diary brand chooses Li Jiaqi, the person who brings the goods, to recommend planting grass, and Li Jiaqi has repeatedly recommended the slogan of Perfect Diary and other products in Tiktok.

The beauty videos of Station B mainly recommend cabbage products. Many college students and interns just graduated from the university come for the evaluation products recommended by the UP owner. finish

Meidiary has made perfect use of its price advantage and has gained a firm position in BIlibili.

